Chinese calligraphy by Tam Wai Jia

迎 (Ying) | Welcome

“YING (迎),” meaning “welcome,” is a common word used to usher in a new year. Observant of the hustle and bustle surrounding festivities that welcome a multitude of guests, Tam invites viewers to reconsider the most important guest of all—the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13). 

The initial central brushstrokes reflect speed and movement, giving way to the last stroke across the page, representing rest. With a renewed heart, Tam challenges viewers to intentionally sow into the extravagant expenditure of time and unapologetic playfulness to indulge in communion with Christ. God is looking for resting places to inhabit. Will He find a welcome in our hearts?

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)

《迎》顾名思义,就是欢迎的意思。每逢新春佳节,华人 都会沉浸在节日的欢腾气氛之中,为庆祝活动和迎接宾客 忙得不可开交。作者希望众人在忙于各类新春活动之际, 也别忘了迎接最重要的宾客—圣灵(罗马书 15:13)。

《迎》以明快利落的笔法一气呵成,直至横跨纸面的最后 一笔,象征“停歇”。作者盼观众能以赤子之心,有意识 地投入大量时间和心思享受与基督共处。神一直都在寻觅 可供祂歇脚之处。我们的心房是否已准备好迎接祂的莅临?

“愿赐盼望的上帝,因你们的信把各样的喜乐、平安充满你们的心,使 你们藉着圣灵的能力大有盼望。”(罗马书 15 :13)


梦 (Meng) | Dream


信 Xin | Faith