Chinese calligraphy by Tam Wai Jia

信 (Xin) | Faith

“XIN (信),” meaning “faith,” refers to “the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). 

When God called Tam and her husband to serve as missionaries in Uganda, Tam struggled with anxiety. Her post-liver-transplant husband was immunocompromised and could not take the mandatory yellow fever vaccine. Through a miraculous encounter, God showed His steadfast provision and asked her, “Can you love your husband more than I can? Can you put your faith in Me?” Since then, the couple’s lives have been marked by radical obedience as they live as pilgrims across the world.  

Tam uses dominating initial brushstrokes to convey a sense of assurance. The upward slant of the dominant stroke reflects her encouragement for us to posture our hearts heavenward to trust God.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)

《信》泛指信念、信仰、信心,是“未见之事的确据” (希伯来书 11:1)。

当神召唤谭蔚佳与丈夫远赴非洲乌 干达从事长达一年的传教工作时,她曾为此备感焦虑。因 为她丈夫曾接受过肝脏移植,免疫能力薄弱的他无法接种 预防黄热病的疫苗。通过一次奇迹般的际遇,神问她: “你能否比我更爱你丈夫?你能否对我给予信心?”此 后,夫妇俩决定以绝对顺服的心态,全心全意到世界各地 追随神的旨意。


信就是对所盼望之事有把握,对未见之事有确据。(希伯来书 11:1)


迎 (Ying) | Welcome


望 Wang | Hope